My name is Barb. I am going to teach high school math when I complete the TCPCG program. I have a BS in Math from UConn and worked for years in the insurance industry.
I took a 12 year break from insurance work when I moved overseas with my family. We lived in Indonesia and Thailand. I volunteered extensively, both at the international schools and in an organization of expats supporting the National Museum Bangkok.
My interests for years now have centered around exploring and learning about foreign cultures, mostly Asian. I read a lot, mostly fiction. I love my pets and animals in general. I am not very high-tech. My tech experience is limited. I can use Excel, Word and Powerpoint, and I love Facebook and Email. (I also text and check email on my Blackberry but don't use it for anything else but phone calls.)
Now, here I am. Classes start in just a few days. I am a little nervous but really excited. Lots to learn in the coming months.