Monday, June 20, 2011

LT Week 4 T2Ps

T2P (first)

IF: If lessons are presented in a variety of styles,
THEN: then students will learn more effectively 
BECAUSE: because the lessons will appeal to their own preferred learning style and they will feel more comfortable and confident performing the tasks. 
CONTEXT: Regardless of personal preferences, some subjects are more easily presented and understood in one style than another.
EVIDENCE: According to Howard Gardner, each person has strengths in particular intelligences and learns better when they  use their preferred intelligence to process information. 
MORAL IMPLICATION: A teacher whose practices rely on traditional lectures and texts is not taking advantage of all the ways that students can be engaged. If students are given opportunities to learn material in their preferred styles they will feel more interested and more "recognized" as individuals with different talents, and may understand new material more easily. At least they will put more effort into the process, which will improve their success as a learner.

T2P (second)

If: If a teachers's pedagogical practices reflect her trust and belief in her students' abilities and curiosity,
Context: in an environment that allows them to explore and share with others
then: they will be successful learners,
because: they feel empowered and free to work on their own and collaboratively to "own" their learning
Evidence: Deci and Ryan's Self Determination Theory proposes that intrinsic motivators like curiosity and desire to learn are more effective motivators than extrinsic motivators like rewards. They also list three conditions that foster high quality learning: Autonomy, competence and relatedness.
Moral implication: People who feel they control their learning experience and results and feel connected to others through their work will learn more effectively than those who feel stifled and controlled by rules and teachers in an authoritarian environment. They will pull themselves up to a higher understanding much more successfully than a teacher can push them up.

link to my comparison of theorists

Reflection on today's class-

The presentations given in class by our "triad" groups provided a lot if information in a useful and sometimes entertaining way. It was much easier to listen to a variety of people talking and showing slides than it would be to one person talking for an hour or two. (Easier on the talkers too). We learned about many theorists and their theories, and heard from a range of viewpoints in the  class, students as well as instructor. At times, some people in the group didn't agree with the theories being presented, or only partially agreed. We had some good discussion, particularly of my group's theorist- Howard Gardner, and reached some mutual agreement and affirmation of some of his ideas and pretty much rejected some of his conclusions. It was good to see that the group could have different opinions, and share them without fear of reprisal or criticism. As we heard other opinions, we adjusted or clarified our own ideas. Truly a collaborative discussion.

T2P (third)

If: People present their own ideas in a group discussion
Context: When the instructor facilitates an environment that encourages a free exchange of ideas
Then: people will strengthen and solidify their understandings
Because: they were given additional information to add to their existing base of knowledge, to assimilate or accommodate, as appropriate.
Evidence: according to Piaget, learners will either assimilate new information if it fits into their existing framework, or accommodate to the new information, if it doesn't fit into the framework but adds a new dimension.
Moral Implication: It is important to provide an atmosphere of trust and freedom of thought and speech to encourage the open exchange of ideas without reprisals. Students who feel confident and safe in the classroom will offer their thoughts and opinions which creates and enhances a good learning experience for everyone in the group. That participation and "ownership" of the process is the difference between learning and force-feeding. Students can memorize information and parrot it back again,  but they must discuss, question, and debate in order to truly know and understand the concepts. 


  1. Barb,

    You are right on point w/ your observations and analyses. Focus some energy on digging a little deeper re: moral implications. Currently, you are offering a statement that further delves into the because of your speculation. Ask yourself "why" instead.

    For example you wrote, "It is important to provide an atmosphere of trust and freedom of thought and speech to encourage the open exchange of ideas without reprisals."

    So I ask, "Why do you believe that?"

    A truly Level-7 T2P statement would include what you wrote PLUS the "Why?" Almost there ...

    Keep pressing!


  2. For the T2P you pointed out, GNA, I would add as a "why"-
    Students who feel confident and safe in the classroom will offer their ideas and opinions which creates and enhances a good learning experience for everyone in the group. That participation and "ownership" of the process is the difference between learning and force-feeding. Students can memorize information and parrot it back again, but they must discuss, question, and debate in order to truly know and understand the concepts.
